"The Biggest Loser" on Line.

This is what I wrote on my profile:

I was in an auto accident almost 7 years ago. The journey back to getting fit has been a long one. Just 3 years ago I couldn't even walk stairs. Now I'm finally able to work out. There a many painful days and sometimes I get really discouraged, but no matter what I keep working. Each year since the accident I have been able to do more and more. The doctors diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia and left me to fend for myself. I am no quitter and just today I was able to do 110 sit ups and I can walk up to 5 miles on a good day. 

My first great success was two summers ago when I backpacked 50 miles over 17 days. I thought I would never see my favorite water falls again, but I did! I can remember two years before that I stood 500 feet up the trail unable to go any further. That is when I began getting serious about giving everything I had to change my physical circumstances. At least three times a week I would go to the trail head where one of my favorite swimming holes was and hobble down to the water where I began working out in the water. Two years later I was standing at the water fall 6 miles up and crying my eyes out. It was the happiest day of my life!

It was no easy feat getting there, but that moment would mark a new beginning back to health. I have been working on my weight solid since April of 2012, but so far I have only had small achievements. I wish I could be on the show because I feel that I'm really ready and I could really use some help now. I've done a lot of work, but I really just need that extra help.

I was hoping to sign up for the new season tonight, but I must have been too late.  I was unable to find the link to sign up. So, I created a profile and have begun using the tools there. 

I just love the site! I've been tracking my calories and exercise today and it's working out really well!

I would love to be on the show, but last night when I went to sign up, I couldn't find the place to do it. It was so discouraging because I feel that I'm finally in a place where I could participate and be successful. Maybe I could actually be... The Biggest Loser!

It's the Determination in the Message...

Life is about cycles. We have times where things seem to come easy and then times when they do not. My task is to stick with my goals and plans. No matter if I have several days where my lifestyle plan seems impossible; I need to remember that the dietary plan I've come up with is a plan going forward. I appreciate that there will be setbacks, but I have to be dedicated to meeting the challenge with a long term perspective. 

These past days have been a struggle as far as the diet is concerned, but I'm happy to report that I'm still here and still participating. This in itself is a good feeling. I'm not giving up! I recognize how important changing my dietary lifestyle is and that even if I have to stand alone, I must stick with it! Even if I only lose 1 or 2 two pounds a week that is a loss (a healthy one at that) I should be proud of it. I'm deciding today to stick with it for good! I hope you are too!

For All of Us Who Are Stuck...

You are not alone! There are more people stuck than not when it comes to weight loss. For instance, when I woke up today, I told myself I was going to stick to the plan and really attack my dietary goals. As it turns out, I'm finding it to be a difficult task and I'm wondering when this "Frogger" will actually be making the jump? 
Get the Lead Out!

Do any of you recall watching The Biggest Loser? Did you ever see the trainers tell contestants, "Oh! It's okay! You take a break. Don't worry about your weight loss goals; the pounds will just come off even if you're not working?" 

Heck No! Blood, sweat & tears are the only thing you'll see on that show! Whenever someone wants to slow down or stop, the trainers are hard and harsh! That's what we need to do with ourselves! 
Get Tough!

Today I want to be with you wherever you are. Next to the couch. In the drive-through line. At your lunch table and in your kitchen!

No more of this sweet, nice talk! Save your excuses for something else! Today is the day we make the jump and we continue until we've reached our next weight loss goals! Let the tears roll on out, but don't give up! I wish I could say there's another way to meet your weight loss goals, but there isn't! 

Get rid of the negative self talk and take control!

Every other web site out there is going to feel warm and fuzzy, but it's just sweet nothings! Sometimes we need to hear a harsh word and be held to a higher standard. What we're trying to accomplish is over ridding years and years of habits. This is not an easy task! If it were we wouldn't be reaching out for help in dramatic ways and constantly struggling. 

Personally, I'm unraveling 18 years of bad habits. My hope is that it won't take that long to get back to where I was before my habits changed causing my weight gain. 
I can't afford to be luke-warm!

When I think of all the years I've taken putting on these pounds! It's easy to get complacent, but I have to be tough and stop making excuses! I have to drink my water, take my vitamins, eat the veggies and change EVERYTHING from how I've done it in the past!

So, today when you're going about your day, just pretend that I'm right there screaming at you! I'd be quite annoying! When you start bargaining with your choices just think of what your own personal trainer would be saying?
"No! Don't give me tears and excuses! 
You don't get a break!

"Frogging" A New Idea in Dieting.

Instead of working for a year trying to reach my goal weight, I will make my first milestone within 10 or 20 pounds of where I am today. Just as a frog jumps many times to the finish line, I too, will take smaller more achievable leaps. I want to make these changes lasting and I feel that if I discipline myself to do maintenance stops at strategic milestones; I will make better, longer lasting progress. 

I want to purposefully create resting points where I bring my caloric intake up to a maintenance level and hold it there for a short amount of time. Rather than becoming discouraged and worrying about plateauing after several weeks of dieting; I can take planned stops, making sure that I'm not falling back into my old habits and gaining back all the weight I had lost plus more. Yo-yo dieting is just a plan I cannot live with anymore!

When searching for a long term solution, I find it necessary to institute a multitude of great ideas. I don't stick to just one diet plan, but use the best from many ideas and then add my own flavor to them. In my search to find accountability partners on line I came across a helpful website to keep track of my caloric intake and daily exercise at: Everyday Health. There I found it easy to sign up and use the tools they have there. 

I want to make lasting changes and for me, "Frogging" will be the style with which I attack this plan. So, for now, my goal is to get to 240 pounds. I hope you will try a goal that works for you too and may we all find great success together!