Do you have Dry, Cracked, Itchy Feet? Here's a Natural solution...

I promise that if you follow my instructions you will have baby soft feet in two weeks!!!...

*As with anything-Check with you medical professional first.

The natural solution is this: Vinegar! That's right!

Get yourself a foot size plastic container with a lid. 

Make sure you have plenty vinegar on hand. 

For two weeks, add 1-2 inches straight vinegar into your container daily. 

Soak your feet 1-2 times a day for 10 minutes. 

After two weeks, maintenance your soaks at once every 2 days.

Vinegar is a natural antibacterial. People will tell you to dilute, but I used it straight and it worked FABULOUSLY! It will work even quicker if you rub with a pumice stone after each time. It is true that vinegar is smelly, but if you wash after, you should be fine. Don't forget to apply and good foot lotion as well. I do it outside in the summer.

This really works! So, get your supplies and get soaking!

I have done this and even checked with my podiatrist. *

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